
You are at the petrol station and see something like on the right?

What should I do, take diesel or biodiesel?

Hmmm, biodiesel is eco-fiendly?

But does my car run on biodiesel?

It is cheaper, right?

Will my car use the same volume of biodiesel as on standard fuel?

diesel vs biodiesel price

This site answers all that questions and more

Just fill this simple form to estimate is it worth to buy  biodiesel at current price:

petroleum oil price*:
biodiesel price*:
biodiesel blend*:
car fuel consumption (l/100 km):
tank capacity (l):

* required fields

How it is calculated?

Calculation is based mainly on two sources:

- physicial properties of fuels and engines (density, Gibbs free energy, BSFC, engine efficiency and few others):

Fuel type Density (kg/l) Energy (MJ/kg)
petroleum oil 0.85 42.5-45.3
biodiesel 0.88 37.27-39.9

- extrapolation of data from empiricial test conducted by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (long range test of car fuel consumption for E10 and E5 petrol).


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